
Privacy Policy Guidelines


1. 対象とする個人情報


2. 法令等の遵守


3. 社内体制


4. 個人情報の利用


5. 個人情報の取得


6. 正確性の確保等


7. 安全性の確保


8. 委託先の監督


9. 個人情報の開示・訂正等


10. 個人情報に関する問い合わせ



阪急阪神ホールディングス株式会社 グループ開発室 TEL:06-6373-5343

11. 継続的な改善






※1 クッキー(cookie)とは、ご利用者の端末に記録目的で送信される小さなテキストファイルです。

※2 Webビーコンとは、クッキーと併用することにより、お客様ブラウザからのアクセス情報を収集し、当社Webサイトへの訪問の有無、訪問回数や閲覧履歴等を把握することが可能となる技術です。




  1. アクセス情報を統計的に分析し、サイトの利便性やコンテンツの改善に活かす場合。
  2. Webサーバーで発生した問題や障害の原因を特定する場合。
  3. 当社Webサイトのメニューや機能、コンテンツをお客様ごとに最適化し表示する場合。
  4. お客様が当社Webサイトを利用時に、ブラウザとサーバーとの間で送受信した利用履歴や入力内容などを、次回のWebサイトご利用時に表示する場合。
  5. 当社Webサイトのアクセス情報と、他社が保有するアクセス情報を組み合せ、個人を特定しない形での人口統計学的属性を活用した市場分析、及び、これに基づく販売促進活動の場合。
  6. 当社Webサイトのアクセス情報に基づく、お客様の興味関心に最適化した広告配信※をする場合。

※  当社は、広告配信業務の委託先に対し、当ウェブサイトのアクセス情報を提供する場合がありますが、この情報に特定の個人を識別する個人を特定する住所、氏名、生年月日及び電話番号等の情報は含まれておりません。

※  広告表示の停止(オプトアウト)については、各広告配信事業者のウェブサイト内に設けられたオプトアウトページにアクセスして、当該広告配信事業者によるクッキー情報等の広告配信への利用を停止することができます。

Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group (“the Group”) believes that companies have an important obligation to appropriately manage and protect personal information that can be used to identify a customer, such as the customer’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address (hereafter, “personal information”). Accordingly, the Group has set forth Privacy Policy Guidelines (“Policy Guidelines”) as Data Controller as follows. In addition, if any of our group companies uses personal information in a manner different from this Policy Guidelines, the company will notify or announce it on each website.

1. Scope

These Policy Guidelines shall apply to all personal information handled by the Group.

2. Legal compliance

The Group shall comply with laws, governmental ordinances, national guidelines and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information.
The Group shall process personal information based on one of the following legal bases:

3. Internal structures

The Group has put in place internal structures to facilitate the management of personal information, including by forming a department to oversee the protection of personal information and by assigning supervisors responsible for managing personal information in each of its departments.

4. Use of personal information

Whenever using personal information, the Group shall define the purpose of use of personal information and restrict the use of information to the scope necessary to achieve that purpose.
The Group may provide personal information to a website design company in accordance with the GDPR for the purposes separately defined.
In such a case, The Group will transfer personal data based on EU-Japan adequacy decisions (Article 45 of GDPR) .
The Group shall store personal information for the period necessary for achieving the purposes.

5. Acquisition of personal information

The Group shall acquire personal information using lawful and appropriate means.

6. Accuracy

The Group shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the personal information in its possession is accurate and up-to-date.

7. Security

The Group shall take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the integrity of the personal information in its possession so as to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, improper disclosure, or other misuse.

8. Supervision of subcontractors

When outsourcing the handling of personal information, the Group shall implement the necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure contractors manage personal information safely.

9. Taking actions on the rights of individuals

The Group shall take appropriate actions on the information subject’s requests on the processing of personal information concerning him or her in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The requests of the information subject shall include:

10. Inquiries concerning personal information

Inquiries concerning personal information shall be accepted and processed by the following contact point.

<Contact(EEA and UK residents)>

As the Group is based outside of the EU/UK, Article 27 GDPR/UK GDPR required that the Group appoints an EU representative/UK representative to handle certain data subject requests and queries. In compliance with this, the Group has appointed DataRep to act as its representative. Any queries requiring the input of its representative, should please be directed to them as follows:
contacting us on its online webform at https://www.datarep.com/data-request, or
mailing your inquiry to this address:
DataRep, The Cube, Monahan Road, Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland
DataRep, 107-111 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom
PLEASE NOTE: when mailing inquiries, it is ESSENTIAL that you mark your letters for 'DataRep' and not 'Hankyu Hanshin Holdings', or your inquiry may not reach us. Please refer clearly to Hankyu Hanshin Holdings in your correspondence.

<Contact Point of Data Controller(Non EEA and UK residents)>

Group Business Development Division, Business Development Dept. Hankyu Hanshin Holdings, Inc.
Phone : +81-6-6373-5343
Office hours: 9:00 to 17:50, Japan Standard Time (closed on Saturday, Sunday, New Year holidays, Golden Week, and other public holidays)

11. Ongoing improvements

The Group shall conduct periodic audits and review and improve its internal guidelines and structures on an ongoing basis to ensure that personal information is appropriately protected.

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small text file that the website sends to your device for the purpose of keeping records. It identifies your device, typically your web browser, but it cannot directly identify you.

Some cookies are necessary to operate our website (e.g. for establishing and keeping sessions), while other cookies may be used for the following purposes:

Where the Group is required by applicable privacy/data protection laws, you can choose whether to allow us or third-parties (e.g. its analytics, advertising and social media partners) to set cookies which are not strictly necessary for the functioning of the website via the cookie banner or cookie settings interface provided on the website.
In addition, please allow Targeting Cookies in order to view YouTube videos.

[Cookie Settings]

About Google Analytics

In order to improve the website, the Group uses “Google Analytics” to collect browsing information on its websites .When a user accesses a website using a browser, these services collect and process information(the software, the device, and the country of citizenship of users) by using cookies.
The legal ground to process user’s data for the use of Google Analytics is user’s consent.

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